Salaam Mamu it's me 'Zaz', I question everyday why it was you who was taken from us, i question myself why didnt i make more of an effort to see you or to keep in contact. I now fully realise life is way too short and that what is left of us we need to stay close and look after eachother. For us older lot its had a big impact on our lives weather we show it or not, were the ones who cherish and adore those memories with you, my words cant express how much i miss you and i definately cant express what other family members are goin through. Our family is no longer complete leavin a big gap where you once were. For me that gap will close and repair for the simple fact i know your presense are always with us from morning to night, and i know your already readin this message. I just wish you gave me a sign or if Allah gave me a sign to show me that your ok, even though i know Allah is keepin you safe, but to show us all that your lookin down on us tryin to tell us to keep our heads up, stop cryin and keep smilin. I miss you callin me Zaz cause it would always make me smile :) and i can still remember the day when i was little when you taught me a dance which you named 'Wahdance' and then told me to go into the other room to show Vadi Daddy and he batterd me for doin it, never gonna forget that! There are soo many memories i have had with you over the years of my childhood and there is not one day that goes by where i never think about them, theres not a day that goes by where i dont think about you!! It hurts for me havin to write all this and i wish it wasnt real, but i have to deal with it now i have to keep strong and stay close with family. I just pray Allah makes it easy for you and i pray he keeps you safe, i will pray for you each day inshallah and i hope my Duas are answerd. And i know we are gonna meet again so until then R.I.P Mamu Jameel, I Love You <3