Esah 23rd December 2010

Yess Mamu :), thought i'd leave a comment because i haven't left one in a while, that doesnt mean i have forgot about you as that would never happen Mamu. Theres still times where i think,, why you? but then who am i to say, it was your time to go and thats it. i have learnt some good things since u left us for a better place, i have learnt that money, cars, jobs, degrees, friends, nothings coming with me when i pass away, just my good deeds, and i know you were a good man Mamu, never thought bad of anyone even if everyone hated someone you just didnt have it in you to hate anyone. i just wanna hear you insult me again or call me 'ooster' or take me on one of our adventures in the car ;) haha, those were the days. those have now turned into memories. we will meet again Inshallah and i can't wait for that day to come. Peace and Love Mamu Jameel <3