My Brother-in-Law

2010 July 16

Created by Salma Afzal 13 years ago
It has been 37 days since you left us. You were like a brother to me, I never had any brothers....I knew you for 17 years and you were a lovely brother to have. Always joking and smiling. You loved children and drank too much coca-cola! I know life goes on but I still have moments when a wave of sadness comes over me and I feel in despair. I might see photo of you and it saddens me to know that a lovely person like you should have to leave this earth so quickley. You have left my soul restless, I have lots of questions and lots of fears about me as a person. Shakeel misses you so much it hurts and it hurts me to see him in so much pain. We know you are in heaven insha'allah but we are selfish and miss you. Sorry.