Jameel, an inspiration.

Created by Sam Bromley 13 years ago
Jameel, Its so hard to think of one memory or story to tell about you, because every moment shared with you was an adventure, a story, a memory. You were always smiling and laughing and had a way of lighting up everyone around you and making them laugh too. Although I only knew you for a few years I feel blessed for the time I was given with you. You are one of Allah's greatest creations. You always left me smiling. I remember so many times you calling me up, even in the middle of the day at work to see what I was doing or if I was free. I reckon sometimes you knew where I was as well but it always made me smile. You were always the prankster and the joker but you could always sense when something was up and always helped me through it. I always admired you for your passion and commitment. You always spoke about Mikayeel and what he'd been getting up to, I would always smile at the pride in your tone. I always admired the love you had for your family. I remember playing golf with you one Sunday, as we always did and you saying that you had sat through the movie Ratatouille 4 times in one weekend, I laughed but you said how much you enjoyed it, you said it was Mikayeel who put it on but I reckon secretly you were making him watch it. I remember going to the cinema with you about 7 times in a couple of months and every single movie being awful, but you always made it so entertaining, whether it was complaining loudly or talking at the most dramatic moment. Your generosity knew no bounds and although we never got to see MJ im sure your are moonwalking with him now. Ive never had a friend that I felt so open with, although we are men and we're meant to be strong and not share certain things I was always comfortable sharing with you, I always knew that if I was in trouble you'd be there to help me out more like a brother than a friend. Whenever I tee off I will think of you, mainly because it took you a few swings to get going. You are an inspiration, you make me want to be a better man and accomplish so much so I can be as proud and happy as you were. My memories of you will always fill me with happiness and keep me smiling. You will always be in my thoughts. Sleep Peacefully my Friend. Love Brom
